
Oblivion real or fake 4k
Oblivion real or fake 4k

You consider something that is not genuine / forgery to be "fake" and something that is not what it is purported to be as "false advertising". I understand you want to distinguish between an item that is not genuine / forgery and something that is a sham (a thing that is not what it is purported to be). I will not react on this thread anymore since people try to defend their thoughts (completely ignore what I wrote and why I wrote it, because still think the initial idea was good as I wrote previous) and completely not helping others and creating chaos with calling everything fake or giving wrong information!!! So actualy you acknowledge that this thread is a fake !!!. So gratz on your perception of fake and wrongly used termilogy in this thread and also giving the wrong information(similar to the advertised cameras), which in your eyes, mtz and the admins eyes is similar to fake.

oblivion real or fake 4k

Where people answer " I never was aware of the "Fake Sony Sensors" but everything is starting to make sense now. " Actually there are a lot of fake Sony sensors going around. I will just quote people from the internet and what they read in this thread ( or understand). please think againĪnd i will show you what your VERB is doing and how well people do understad it !!!! so if I give you a wrong advertised Gopro (and I am sure I can find it), you say it is fake and will be added to this list. not only the products are real, also the electronics are real and still keeps a matter of advertisement (and not even all advertised are wrong -). I will give you one example why you are creating chaos with incorrect threads like this (because it still seem s that people have not read what I wrote.). Loool you people really dont understand the issue, fake is quite clear described in the dictionary (as the admin stated and even still wrongly used). And immediatly know the quality of this forum within 1 day!!!īut good luck with your thread, and forum been here to long, not going to waste time any more I like it all the wanna be people far from reality.

oblivion real or fake 4k

You dont know facts and have a strange way of implementing defenitions.Īnd I see what MTZ uses, just try to defend your buddys and since he uses wrong info on the sensors and thus telling lies (facts)then, in your defenition he is also fake. "Buying a car advertised as with a 2l engine and received it only has a 1.8,l makes it in this forum eyes a fake car ".

oblivion real or fake 4k

Only the information is incorrect (same as in this thread) !! and how it is used is in the context of adjective, so better you should have said "Not genuine imitation or counterfeit", but I understand because you thought you could defend it on the noun -) but in both cases no imitation cameras, no counterfeit cameras,sensors or other electronics and it still is a genuine product. Because it still is a genuine camera, it is not a forgery or sham and still a camera and works as it. You say it correct in what it means, But you sure dont understand what the defenition means.

Oblivion real or fake 4k